“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
~Matthew 18:20
This whole distancing thing can work for a while, but it is not how Christians are meant to be. And Zoom, Skype, or streaming church services are ok in a pinch, but after a time there is a need that is clearly not being met by them.
Scripture tells us that God called us to the fellowship of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9), we are to mutually encourage one another in faith (Romans 1:12), and that we are to meet together (Hebrews 10:24)
We serve a Lord who did not intend for us to be isolated, and He promised us help in times of need. (Isaiah 41:10) We are reminded of that need now as bad news seems to outweigh good, and we are forced to isolate from our family, friends, and congregations.
Even as the country begins to open up in many places, terms like “social distancing” and “personal protection” are not going away any time soon. While these measures make sense, they can work against God’s ideal for us.
In congregations throughout the world, believers long for the day when this crisis is over and we can truly worship together with fellow believers.

For we are followers of a God who walked this earth in human flesh, and who experienced every aspect of our physical existence: birth, hunger, thirst, fellowship, anguish, and finally, death.
Yes, this was the same Jesus that held children and was unflinching when it came to touching the dead, the diseased, or the demon-possessed — practices considered unclean in his culture. He touched eyes to restore sight and ears to restore hearing.
And this same Savior rose from the dead in the flesh and walked amongst men. He encouraged them to touch Him, dine with Him, and fellowship with Him.
In fact, He gave His very blood and body to cleanse us of our sins, an act we remember each time we pray to Him.

With a Savior who is like Jesus, it is no wonder that we long for fellowship and need to spend time with one another! We need gathering, togetherness, touch, and embracing.
While, for the time being, we may be separated and forced to support one another from a distance, this too shall pass.
The day will come again when we are fully free to enjoy the company of others. We will embrace, shake hands, crowd around a table, dance, worship, watch live music, and a million other things we once took for granted.
It is written in Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” This is how our fellowship is meant to be!
We long for that time to be restored and can be confident in God’s promises, knowing that we will all be together again soon!