Once you are registered as an affiliate, you can start sharing with your audience right away!  We have found the best results occur when you mail three times in your first week.  Remember, Leads are claimed on a first clicked basis so we encourage you to not delay once the gates are open. 

Just send a few of the emails promoting the free series we’ve pre-written for you (we’ll be emailing you personalized swipe copy) and post on your Facebook and Twitter feeds Now, and give your readers the opportunity to watch our free docuseries.

Starting Now, your followers will get to watch the Christ Revealed docuseries event, FREE.

When the free viewing period is over, we will offer your readers the chance to buy all the episodes of the docuseries —and support this important mission when they do.

Christ Revealed can be purchased for viewing in churches, sharing with family, and sending to friends. We are certain that many people will be excited to own this valuable content.

You will earn 50% of every dollar they spend on the digital product and 40% for shipped products, for the lifetime of the product (not just this launch).

You get paid within 60 days of the cart closing and then monthly beyond as sales come in.

Based on preliminary indicators, we anticipate this project will yield record-breaking earnings per click in this category of event.

We think you’ll love joining us as an affiliate for the Christ Revealed event. If you’ve ever wanted to share your faith with others but been unsure about how to start, this series is the perfect way to introduce truth and bring saving hope to everyone you know!

Your family, friends and followers are hungry for this content. Together we’ll change lives, and you’ll get paid well for your efforts.

Any questions?

Reach out to our affiliate manager: Affiliates@RevealedFilms.com

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